星期六, 8 2 月, 2025

    即將推出 23本相關電影《Solo》的書籍及相關介紹

    隨著電影《Solo》的上映日子漸近,越來越多資訊釋出,繼Jon Favreau 宣導聲演電影其中一位重要的外星人角色解釋Millennium Falcon 在不同的造形後、外媒  Entertainment Weekly 再釋出即將推出23本有關電影《Solo》相關的書籍。



    Last Shot jumps around Han and Lando’s lives starting with the events before Solo:

    “The author of Half-Resurrection Blues and Shadowshaper has penned this novel that connects three eras in the lives of Han Solo and Lando Calrissian. “Part of it takes place before the events of Solo and focuses on Lando and L3-37,” Siglain says, referring to Lando’s droid sidekick in the new film. “Part of it takes place between Solo and A New Hope, and that focuses on Han and Chewie, and that’s where we get Sana Starros for the first time.” She would be the character, first introduced in the Marvel Comics, who claimed to be married to Han.”

    I know a lot of people wanted Sana Starros to appear in the Solo film, so it’s cool that we are at least expanding on her story in this novel. The book will also feature a post-Return of the Jedi story features Han, Leia, Lando, and Ben Solo!

    “Part of it takes place post-Return of the Jedi, and that’s where we see Han, Leia, a very young Ben Solo, and Lando come into the story,” Siglain adds. The cover is reversible — on one side is Han’s silhouette, while Lando’s is on the other. There’s also a “convention exclusive” cover featuring L3 and Chewbacca.”

    Most Wanted, by Rae Carson
    “This YA book by the author of The Girl of Fire and Thorns focuses on Alden Ehrenreich’s Han Solo and Emilia Clarke’s Qi’ra, back in their teenage years. “This is about the younger, young Han solo,” Siglain says. “We’ll see what it was like for these two kids from Corellia to survive the seedy streets of this industrial world. They’re definitely products of their environment, and this story shows that.”

    You can’t have a new Star Wars film without an awesome Marvel comics tie-in; this time featuring everyone’s favorite, Lando Calrissian!

    “Lando: Double or Nothing, Rodney Barnes
    This Marvel Comics miniseries is written by Rodney Barnes (a veteran scribe from TV’s The Boondocks) and will play out over five issues. “It’s focused on Lando set during an incident right before the film, with backstory about Lando and L3,” Siglain says. The series debuts the Wednesday after the movie opens, since its story is so closely tied in. “Coming out of the film, we think everyone is going to want ot read more about Lando.”

    Next up are my two favorite tie-in books, the art of Solo and Solo: The Visual Guide.

    The Art of Solo, by Phil Szostak
    “This is another of those really beautiful art books that shows various pieces of concept art that went into this film,” Siglain says. “You see the evolution of Solo through this book, and the insight that Phil gets from everyone in the production is incredible.”

    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney

    Solo: The Official Guide, by Pablo Hidalgo
    “This one combines the popular formats of a Visual Dictionary with part of a cross-sections book,” Siglain says. “This gives you insight into the characters, and the props, vehicles, and tech that you see in the film. And it’s written by [Lucasfilm story group member] Pablo Hidalgo, so we have it on good authority that all of this is correct.”

    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney

    The Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Creatures + Aliens, by Mark Salisbury
    This non-fiction title by Mark Salisbury is aimed at young readers and “strives to teach some of the history of filmmaking, makeup, and special effects through all the films, starting with 1977’s A New Hope and going up through Solo,” Siglain says.

    The next story will feature Chewbacca and K-2SO!

    The Mighty Chewbacca: Forest of Fear, by Tom Angleberger
    In this middle-grade reader, a Wookiee is sent on a pet-sitting mission to care for a Golden Tooka. “Chewbacca thinks it’s a dull babysitting job, but he not only has to save the day, but save Han Solo,” says Siglain. “He gets mixed up with a droid he thinks is a cargo droid, but the readers will recognize as K-2S0 [from Rogue One], who is on a mission for Cassian Andor.” They will also cross paths with a new character, Mayv Trillick, who may have the coolest job in the galaxy: librarian bounty hunter.

    Next up we have the Star Wars Adventures comic books:

    Star Wars: Adventures (free preview)
    This is part of an onging IDW comic book series, and the first of the three-part young Solo storyline by writer Cavan Scott will be released as part of Free Comic Book Day. The heroes are targeted by bounty hunters familiar to fans of The Empire Strikes Back — Zuckuss and 4-LOM.

    Star Wars: Adventures, Issue #10
    “They’re being chased by the bounty hunters and go to a planet they don’t know,” Siglain says. “Once they get into the atmosphere, everything shuts down and the Falcon crashes into the water.”

    Star Wars: Adventures, Issue #11
    “Everything on this planet is powered down, and no technology works,” Siglain says. “Then they figure out a way to turn it on and realize that was the worst mistake they could make — the planet comes alive and attacks them.”

    “I Am a Wookiee, by Geof Smith
    This Little Golden Book is part of another ongoing Star Wars series for younger readers. “We’ve done I Am a Rebel, I Am a Jedi, I Am a Sith,” Siglain says. This Chewbacca tale brings some adorableness to the world of Wookiees.”

    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney

    ”Solo: Train Heist
    Hop aboard the Conveyex for a ride through the mountains as Han Solo and Chewbacca do their best to steal what’s secured within. Basically, it’s a retelling of this action scene from the movie. “It gives kids a piece of the film to take home with them,” Siglain says.”

    “Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure, by Cavan Scott
    Should Han and Chewie fire against the TIE Fighters or try to outrun them? In original story, young readers will be able to skip around making their own decisions. “They’re on a seemingly easy smuggling gig, but then to save himself and Chewie and the Falcon, Han tells [the people of this world] he’s Jabba the Hutt, and things go from bad to worse before they have to get out of there,” Siglain says.“

    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney

    Chewie and the Courageous Kid
    This is a Star Wars remake. It’s based on a five-issue Chewbacca comic book series from 2015, by Gerry Duggan, with art by Phil Noto, in which the Wookiee teams up with a new young friend. “We’ve taken that story and adjusted it so it’s appropriate for 6-, 7-, 8-year-olds, rather than the 13-plus audience of the Marvel Comic,” Siglain says.

    Meet the Crew
    Another storybook aimed at very young readers, this one delves into the characters who populate the film, from the heroes to the sidekicks.

    All the other books that where announced are activity books that give us a better look at some of the characters.

    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney
    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney
    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney
    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney
    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney

    Star Wars ‘Solo’ Comic Books CR: Disney

    I am pretty impressed with this lineup of books. I’m actually really looking forward toward some of these. As always, Anthony Breznican has knocked it out of the park! Make sure to check out the rest of his article over at EW.

    Man Kam
    Man Kamhttps://starwarsbase.com/
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