2019美國聖地牙哥動漫展期間,作家 Charles Soule 宣布正在撰寫四期的短篇漫畫《The Rise of Kylo Ren》,故事將講述Kylo Ren 和他的信徒Knights of Ren 之間的起源故事、聯繫,預計於12月電影上映前發行。
As just announced, I am writing THE RISE OF KYLO REN – a limited series comic launching in December, just before Episode IX.
You know the one story everyone’s dying to see, about Kylo and the Knights of Ren? That’s this.
You’re not ready (hell, I barely am.) pic.twitter.com/CiBehByvy1
— Charles Soule (@CharlesSoule) July 20, 2019