電影《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》剛在洛杉磯舉行首映禮,首映過後首波評論火熱出爐,全部均為好評,直指電影內容有出乎意料的情節發展,甚至有人大讚該片為「史上最棒星戰電影」,特別是 Luke Skywalker 表現最為搶鏡。
在首映結束後,知名外媒如Collider、TheWrap、娛樂周刊、IGN等網站均在社交媒體大讚電影,評價包括有趣、感動、激動,電影《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》讓星戰電影系列向前邁進一大步。
#StarWarsTheLastJedi floored me. @rianjohnson and the team nail so much – thrills, laughs, heart and most of all, pushing the characters/overall franchise a major step forward. Some really rich material to explore in the future. Can't wait for more.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 10, 2017
Whoa #TheLastJedi!. Filled with epic space battles and gorgeous cinematography. It satisfied my love for Star Wars in so many ways. I can't wait to see it again. Also heading to the store to buy Porgs merch. Thank you @rianjohnson
— Wendy Lee Szany (@WendyLeeSzany) December 10, 2017
#StarWarsTheLastJedi was a lot of fun though it's slower paced than #TheForceAwakens and takes… https://t.co/xRfjQ9jHZr
— Dennis Tzeng 曾逸凡 (@ThinkHero) December 10, 2017
#StarWars: The Last Jedi is so beautifully human, populist, funny, and surprising. I cried when one POC heroine got her moment because films like these leave their mark on entire generations — and representation matters
— jen yamato (@jenyamato) December 10, 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is so very different, exciting, surprising. So many emotions, so many amazing moments. Stay away from spoilers.
— /Film (@slashfilm) December 10, 2017
There aren’t enough words to express how much I LOVED #StarWars #TheLastJedi! It is mind-blowing! I’m in geek heaven! pic.twitter.com/unXfYMkIle
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) December 10, 2017
#TheLastJedi is absolutely fantastic – gripping, touching, funny and powerful w/ gorgeous shots and the most badass battles. When it gets going, holy crap does it get going. Hands down the best #StarWars movie since Empire pic.twitter.com/nWWAhlNMJo
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 10, 2017
#StarWarsTheLastJedi is NOT a remake of Empire. Rian Johnson knows you’re thinking it will be and uses that to absolutely SHATTER your expectations. We were SCREAMING at the craziness of it all. As Luke says in the trailer, “This is not going to end the way you think.” pic.twitter.com/2xTAuesIOy
— Joshua Yehl (@JoshuaYehl) December 10, 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is everything. Intense, funny, emotional, exciting. It’s jam-packed with absolutely jaw dropping moments and I loved it so, so much. I’m still shaking. pic.twitter.com/fHddWjo201
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 10, 2017
I’m going to go ahead and say it: #TheLastJedi is a go-for-broke masterpiece. It’s exciting, moving and strange. Know as little as possible going in and you’ll be dazzled more fully. Also the porgs were everything. pic.twitter.com/pqHG6iFpSd
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) December 10, 2017