即將在2017年底上映的電影 EP VIII,至今尚未有任何電影預告片釋出,大家預期要等到4月舉行的Star Wars Celebration才有更多的資料時,外媒Los Angeles Times 的記者 Daniel Miller 卻優先為大家透露了電影資訊。
原來 Daniel Miller 出席了迪士尼的股東會議,會議期間播放了電影 EP VIII 的部分內容,因此他把內容轉化成文字並放到自己的 twitter上,內容甚至包括了電影的對白。
"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" clip is being screened. But it's a joke, sort of! We just got a few seconds of Rey handing Luke a lightsaber.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
▲ Rey 把光劍遞給 Luke
We just saw more "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" footage. In it, Luke asks Rey, "Who are you?" Then we see her deftly handle a lightsaber.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
▲ Luke問Rey:「你是誰?」,然後是一個Rey的近鏡
Also making appearances in "The Last Jedi" footage: Chewbacca, General Leia Organa and Finn.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
▲ 鏡頭中閃過Chewbacca、General Leia Organa、Finn
One last thing on the "Last Jedi" footage: We saw all sorts of settings — mountains, oceans, forests, deserts. Look suitably epic, exotic.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
▲ 鏡頭中閃過山、海洋、森林、沙漠,充滿異國情調
More on "The Last Jedi" clip: We saw a shot of an X-wing wobbling mid-air, under attack inside a giant ship. Looked like a wounded bird.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
▲ X-Wing 戰機在空中左搖右擺,正被一架巨型戰艦攻擊,看似已經受到一定程度的傷害
More on "The Last Jedi" clip, since ppl are asking: General Leia Organa was onscreen for just a second in military garb and didn't speak.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
▲ 身穿軍服的Leia 閃過,她沒有說話,好像正被人提問了一些問題