星期六, 8 2 月, 2025

    Mark Hamill 馬克·漢米爾為烏克蘭籌集資金:無人機UNITED24項目

    自 2017 年後,飾演 Luke Skywalker 的 Mark Hamill 就沒有出席簽名活動,近日他宣布藉「無人機UNITED24計劃」送出簽名海報。

    「UNITED24計劃」是為烏克蘭籌集資金的眾籌活動,此次目標是籌得經費購買 10 架 RQ-35 Heidrun 偵察無人機捐贈給烏克蘭。


    Mark Hamill, the actor who portrayed Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movie saga and ambassador of UNITED24, calls on you to support Ukraine.

    Join the fundraiser for 10 RQ-35 Heidrun scout drones!
    25 of these Danish-made UAVs were sent to the front line in the spring.

    The RQ-35 Heidrun has proven itself as an effective and user-friendly UAV for reconnaissance missions. Its highly reliable radio system is capable of withstanding electronic warfare.

    The RQ-35 Heidrun’s flight range is 25 kilometers. This drone can transmit video in real time, which allows it to gather intelligence, without exposing the operator.

    The fundraiser is launched at the request of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    Man Kam
    Man Kamhttps://starwarsbase.com/
    居住於香港的星戰毒男,沉迷於科幻及文字世界。夢想訪問George Lucas、一眾星戰導演及演員、參觀美國天行者牧場、提早退休寫書。



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