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由寂寂無名到無人不知—John Boyega的巨星之路
Gwendoline Christie剖白演出Captain Phasma的心情
全球星戰玩具首賣活動Force Friday -專訪珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys
Hot Toys總裁陳浩斌先生於ACGHK 2015的簡短訪問
Hot Toys Founder & President Mr. Howard Chan discuss the development of Star Wars figure
訪問Hot Toys總裁陳浩斌先生—在電影重啓前探討品牌方向及分享星戰趣事
Interview with private fitness consultant and designer of Rumbbell – Ryan Lee
訪問私人健身顧問兼Rumbbell設計者—Ryan Lee利國宏先生
認識年輕的Stormtrooper(白兵/暴風兵)──John Boyega
Hot Toys於玩具展TOY SOUL 2014的簡短訪問
World of 3A及threezero創辦人兼總監—王劍鋒先生
Brief interview with Hot Toys at Toy Fair TOY SOUL 2014
創意品牌86hero主腦—Henry Chung