奧克拉荷馬州塔爾薩市的警察幽默地宣布,有反叛軍人士不滿 order 66而偷竊一隻白兵( First Order Stormtrooper)巨型人偶,為JEDI 復仇。警察呼籲在俄克拉荷馬州,這仍然是犯罪行為,請市民把相關人士送往絕地委員會。
According to KOKI-TV, the post was full of “Star Wars” jokes.
“It is entirely possible that he was upset with Order 66 and revenging the Jedi. However, in Oklahoma, it’s still a crime.”
“The Force Will Be Strong with the Chosen One who can bring this nerf-herder before the Jedi Council (or in this case, Criminal Court). Imperial Credit (AKA cash rewards) are paid for information that leads to an arrest.”
The 4-foot-tall action figure was taken from the driveway on June 17, according to KOKI.