星期六, 8 2 月, 2025

    Force For Change活動後續報導-2014年與聯合國兒童基金會的活動回顧

    Young Ugandans gather around to use UNICEF’s unique innovation the solar-powered Digital Drum, at Bosco Youth Centre in Gulu, Uganda.  The Digital Drum was this month chosen as one of Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2011.   About 10 per cent of Ugandans currently use the Internet, and a majority of Ugandans live in rural settings with little to no access to information across areas of health, education, job training, and protection from violence and abuse. The poorest, most isolated and vulnerable children and youth are hit hardest from this lack of access when they do not benefit from crucial services and resources that could improve their health, safety and future. In response, UNICEF is developing these rugged computer kiosks that will serve as information access points aimed at youth and their communities.   The computers will be pre-loaded with dynamic multimedia content on health, job training, education opportunities, and other services.  The innovation is being developed and tested in Uganda by UNICEF’s Technology for Development unit. The Digital Drum is a computer built into an oil drum. It was designed by UNICEF Uganda's Technology 4 Development Unit in partnership with other companies. The drums have been installed in youth centers and other areas so that kids can have access to computers. The computers have preloaded content that youth can access. (Bosco Youth Center, Gulu)

    官方Lucasfilm與活動《Star Wars: Force for Change》最大的伙伴—聯合國兒童基金會緊密合作,把有需要的兒童放在第一位,並幫助他們在世界各地生活和發展。在2014,活動《Star Wars: Force for Change》籌得4.2M美元以支持聯合國兒童基金會的社會革新和救援工作;迪士尼更承諾再投入100萬美元支持活動。

    基金會有12間創新實驗室正致力研究可持續性的方案,為世界各地的兒童解決關鍵問題,例如兒童保護、營養、水、健康、衛生和教育。官方Lucasfilm亦一起支援項目,聘請及幫助世界各地的青年。以下是部分聯合國兒童基金會的成果,他們已將Force For Change的力量交到兒童手上。



    • 在利比里亞,U-Report很快被廣泛使用作為通告埃博拉病毒的指標及工具。目前,超過39,000位利比里亞的年輕人在免費流動服務註冊,參與每日有關埃博拉病毒的問題及工作,包括埃博拉病毒的症狀和體徵、正確的洗手方法、安全的殮葬方法和照顧四周倖存者等。
    • 在贊比亞,超過75,000名青年使用U-Report的免費諮詢服務以獲取有關HIV及愛滋病的資訊。在一般情況下,相比起面對面交流,年輕人更願意使用匿名短訊服務去查詢有關於HIV及愛滋病的資料。在U-Report支援下,青年能使用純文字方法去查詢他們的病情。
    • 在烏干達,超過288,000用戶通過U-Report令國家政府立法。當申請的資助不符合申請人實際情況及可接受的範圍時,他們會在一星期內通過U-Report表達問題,並令政策改變。2014年,U-報告存在於12個國家及擁有超過50萬青少年在全球註冊。在2015年,得到活動《Force for Change》支持,聯合國兒童基金會將推廣U-Report到20個國家,預計會接觸到超過100萬用戶。

    青少年計劃BYFY(By Youth For Youth)

    聯合國兒童基金會的BYFY計劃是一個青少年鼓勵計劃,鼓勵他們積極參與自己的社區活動。 BYFY以創新的方式來推動青年的能力,通過工作調整、從實踐中學習等,幫助他們在社會變遷中掌握創業的方式。 BYFY建立了彈性和專業的配套,增強在邊緣社區的年青人的識別及分析能力,並制定及發展項目去解決這些社會問題。 BYFY計劃使青年習得創業和生活技能,領導並改變自己的社區。由2011年開始,BYFY已在科索沃開始運作並幫助了數十萬青年人。在2015年,得到Force for Change支持,聯合國兒童基金會將推廣BYFY計劃到其他第三世界國家。

    除了U-Report和BYFY外,活動Force for Change同樣支援聯合國兒童基金會在其他方面的發展:

    • 兩個新的創新的實驗室:在坦桑尼亞和哥斯達黎加,加強和青少年之間的連接,為他們的生活問題打造解決方案
    • 2015年,在Force for Change支持下,基金將支援世界各地約30個項目

    Young Ugandans gather around to use UNICEF’s unique innovation the solar-powered Digital Drum, at Bosco Youth Centre in Gulu, Uganda.  The Digital Drum was this month chosen as one of Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2011.   About 10 per cent of Ugandans currently use the Internet, and a majority of Ugandans live in rural settings with little to no access to information across areas of health, education, job training, and protection from violence and abuse. The poorest, most isolated and vulnerable children and youth are hit hardest from this lack of access when they do not benefit from crucial services and resources that could improve their health, safety and future. In response, UNICEF is developing these rugged computer kiosks that will serve as information access points aimed at youth and their communities.   The computers will be pre-loaded with dynamic multimedia content on health, job training, education opportunities, and other services.  The innovation is being developed and tested in Uganda by UNICEF’s Technology for Development unit. The Digital Drum is a computer built into an oil drum. It was designed by UNICEF Uganda's Technology 4 Development Unit in partnership with other companies. The drums have been installed in youth centers and other areas so that kids can have access to computers. The computers have preloaded content that youth can access. (Bosco Youth Center, Gulu)

    活動《Star Wars: Force for Change》使世界各地的年青人能擁有自己的工具及習得技能,帶動社會的變革和進步,受惠的年青人甚至成為社區領袖,為社區提供解決方案,拯救和改善兒童的生活。(StarWars.com


    Man Kam
    Man Kamhttps://starwarsbase.com/
    居住於香港的星戰毒男,沉迷於科幻及文字世界。夢想訪問George Lucas、一眾星戰導演及演員、參觀美國天行者牧場、提早退休寫書。



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