Friday, February 7, 2025

    《星球大战庆典》2020 最新情况(2020-04-30)

    原定计划在2020年8 月27日至30日,于美国洛杉矶阿纳海姆城市(Anaheim, California)举行的《星球大战庆典》2020(Star Wars Celebration 2020),一直备受肺炎疫情影响而面临取消的可能。

    原定在 6 月举行的 San Diego Comic-Con 2020(圣地牙哥国际漫画展)早前已宣布取消,紧接其后的《星球大战庆典》2020 亦面临相同情况。



    Greetings Star Wars Celebration Fans,

    We wanted to give all of you an update on Star Wars Celebration in light of the COVID-19 virus.

    At Star Wars Celebration, the health and safety of our fans, attendees, exhibitors, guests and staff is our number one priority. Given global developments related to the COVID-19 virus, we want to share some of the steps Star Wars Celebration is taking to actively and continuously monitor the situation.

    We are in contact with the city of Anaheim, the Anaheim Visitors Bureau, and the Anaheim Convention Center. We are committed to ensuring that our event plans meet or exceed the latest public health guidance, including that of local and state authorities as well as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    This is a very dynamic situation, with a rapidly changing landscape.  While the opening day of Celebration is still four months away, we are actively assessing the most up to date information and following all directions from federal, state and local public health authorities regarding large public gatherings in the state of California. In the event that we postpone or cancel Star Wars Celebration we will offer all fans the option to either transfer their tickets to the new event dates or receive a full refund of their ticket order.

    Additional announcements about the status of the event will be made in the coming weeks as we review the most up to date guidance from state and local health authorities. We know how much Star Wars Celebration means to all of you, and we will make every effort to give you as much advance notice as possible regarding any changes to our plans.

    May the Force be with you!

    The Star Wars Celebration Team

    Man Kam
    Man Kam
    居住於香港的星戰毒男,沉迷於科幻及文字世界。夢想訪問George Lucas、一眾星戰導演及演員、參觀美國天行者牧場、提早退休寫書。



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